Najnowsze wpisy, strona 1

Netflix chill
20 kwietnia 2020, 23:11

   I understand that now is a time where you can slow down, relax from this social hustle and recharge your battery. But people, it can be used once in a while, not constantly. It is a fact that everyone needs entertainment, but to sit on the phone every day for a week or watch TV series is an exaggeration. For me it is spontaneous brainwashing, disconnecting it from contact with creativity, not to mention development. I myself value great series productions with a strong message, but there is a difference between savoring such moments and making it become everyday life. Everyone can take advantage of this time as he pleases. I am in favor of using potential, not wasting it. And I think this is a waste of my life, especially in the era of such huge access to information. It pisses me. But I try not to worry about it, just focus on myself. I feel that this time can be used with huge profits for my future, not only financial, but also social and cultural. He treats it as a kind of test of his own will and habits.

I think positive
17 kwietnia 2020, 19:44

   What else can this time bring? Positive. There is much more time to think, plan, think, dream. Thanks to this period I can look more broadly at my plans and dreams. I promised myself that every day I would write 3 new dreams that I want to fulfill in my life. This is not an initiative that I invented, but I once heard it, and it came back to me during this period. I will set up a special dream notebook, where I will write next items every evening. When their number reaches 1000, I will stop trying to make those dreams come true at the same time. There are several important issues in life. When you make your dream come true, it is as if someone suddenly added to you a lot of confidence, happiness, vitality and other ingredients of a happy life that you want more from him. This is the reason why I will create such a notebook. I want to be happy and experience life more. This time shows me how many possibilities there are when everything is stable. Man can't see it, or worse, he doesn't want to see it. I don't want to be such a man.

Football is live
16 kwietnia 2020, 22:39

   In addition to personal development, I like football themes. I am her huge fan. However, now as her supporter I feel sad. A break in playing matches is obviously the right decision. I mean more about the entertainment aspect. Thanks to such events, the lives of many people in the world added color, excited for upcoming sporting events, and now? People feel as if someone took some element of their life from them. Something they were emotionally attached to. Emotions were, are and will be the greatest asset of sport. It makes us want more and more. At present, these emotions are not there. We feel emptiness. Of course you can watch replays, but experiencing such events live for a long time remains in your memory, and even in your heart. The only thing you can save now is to watch stand-up, listen to podcasts or watch sports interviews with various players. This is also ok because there is usually a lack of time somewhere to watch / listen to everything you want, and now it is possible. However, I still know that when it all ends, I will go outside and start playing this sport myself, feeling and appreciating these moments, these emotions.

15 kwietnia 2020, 22:02

   I feel anxiety. For Christmas, I got a gift in the form of a ticket to a rapper's concert. I was very happy for this event. However, the current situation has strongly thwarted these plans, originally the date from April 4 was postponed to June 27, but I am firmly convinced that this is just a date for the date. Looking at the current situation, this term seems completely unreal. Forecasts in the world say that tourism will return only in the fall, and what about the large gathering of people at a concert in a closed room? If this concert actually takes place, first of all I strongly doubt the moral behavior of this rapper. I understand some issues, but risking someone's health and life to earn money in concert is an absolute absurdity of rationality. Unfortunately, these things are taking place at present, but not in Poland. However, this applies to Polish performers, which is very sad for me, because they represent their nationality in my opinion in a bad way. I will never respect that attitude. I like the attitude of more Polish artists who give live concerts for free through social platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram etc. In my opinion this is a great initiative that will positively influence their image.

Isolation is good
14 kwietnia 2020, 20:33

   Some time has passed. I'm starting to get used to isolation from society. All in all, it suits me a lot. I've had enough people lately. I still came across those who did not understand me, did not understand what it means to be just good, which means to cultivate relationships. I meet egoists, and nowadays it is just who really cares about relationships with me. It's strong, but cleansing. You can then objectively look at people you considered close. I don't have many of them. The current period shows me how important family is in life. In the end, you can always count on her. Even in these hardest times, not to mention economic issues here. It's all about support. But of course it works both ways, because despite the isolation and distance it is important to support each other, take care of yourself, be interested in another person. This is very important. All in all, I have only matured to it now. Earlier I did not approach this topic in this way.