Archiwum 14 kwietnia 2020

Isolation is good
14 kwietnia 2020, 20:33

   Some time has passed. I'm starting to get used to isolation from society. All in all, it suits me a lot. I've had enough people lately. I still came across those who did not understand me, did not understand what it means to be just good, which means to cultivate relationships. I meet egoists, and nowadays it is just who really cares about relationships with me. It's strong, but cleansing. You can then objectively look at people you considered close. I don't have many of them. The current period shows me how important family is in life. In the end, you can always count on her. Even in these hardest times, not to mention economic issues here. It's all about support. But of course it works both ways, because despite the isolation and distance it is important to support each other, take care of yourself, be interested in another person. This is very important. All in all, I have only matured to it now. Earlier I did not approach this topic in this way.